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November 9, 2024

RedZone Friends— I am announcing today that we will phase out our punch card enrollment option for camps & training programs. For those with active credits on file, you will still be able to use those until they are depleted.


Why the enrollment change? When we launched this option a few years back, we did so with the idea that it would be super convenient for busy parents with kids in multiple activities. You wouldn’t have to eat the cost of something you paid for because another conflict came up. We were also at a point where we could offer a high volume of training programs throughout the offseason that made this enrollment option make sense.


As we transition to the new offseason, I have mixed feelings in concluding that this enrollment model simply isn't sustainable for us. While the flexibility to attend sessions that fit a camper’s schedule is nice for our clients, it also offered an opportunity to not attend sessions consistently. This makes meaningful development a challenge and also makes it hard to align operating costs with actual attendance. We too often found ourselves with more coaches than campers. If we’ve committed our resources to particular times and locations, we need to ask our clients to match that commitment more strongly as well.


I’ve always operated in an effort to give our clients every chance to get what they have paid for and this is not going to change fundamentally. But in order to continue offering these skill development programs, this adjustment is necessary to ensure it works more reasonably from a business standpoint as well.


I’m not entirely certain how this will work out with the TeamSnap software; we will advise on that later on for registrants or revert to an alternate method for communications with upcoming camper groups. For now, contact me at 319-358-2926 or to reserve placements in upcoming sessions with your credits or to discuss this change further. In general, a particular session will cost, in credits, the number of dates that the group meets. So, if a session covers 4 dates, it will cost 4 credits. Some exceptions apply for sessions with capped attendance.


I look forward to getting back to work!



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